
一群思想家, 创新者, 问题解决者和梦想家, providing custom strategic solutions that leverage deep domain of knowledge in strategy, 企业组织和资产.

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在今天的市场上, our clients are challenged with translating data to performance improvement, 寻找替代的融资机制,以提供更好的宜居性,并为当前和未来的劳动力创造机会.

We advise on diverse, dynamic and contestable challenges. We initiate and create solutions to realize 机会 from market disruption.

Our solutions transcend the traditional silos of strategy, 规划, 设计, 建设, 操作与维护, 提供完整的生命周期产品. 我们应对城市化带来的全球挑战, climate change and digital proliferation to security, 缺水, investment partnerships and the future of work — both today and into tomorrow.

我们致力于结合客户的策略, 组织和资产一起降低风险, improve institutional outcomes and provide a return on investment.


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Owners of all types of assets are continually under pressure to operate efficiently and cost effectively. 我们使用战略资产管理来支持组织在资产管理计划和程序改进等方面的任务, 技术解决方案和条件评估, 技术通讯.

我们帮助业主使成本, 风险, and performance decisions to optimize and sustain the performance and value of physical assets throughout their lifecycle.



The way we produce, transmit, distribute and use energy is transforming rapidly. Our gas and electricity systems are shifting away from fossil fuels and toward “green” energy. 在未来, when we charge our electric vehicles or turn on our lights at home, the power we use is more likely to come from renewable and clean energy sources.

One of the biggest challenges in this transition will be developing energy systems that are not only “clean,,而且可靠、实惠. 阳光并不总是灿烂的, 而且风并不总是在吹, so how can we make sure that renewable energy is always available when and where we need it? And how can we make sure that our drive towards a green future positively impacts economic growth?


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Our Economics 咨询 group assists clients to navigate the relevant investment management framework. Our strategic advice assists with project assurance and the scoping and development of rigorous business cases. 我们有能力构建一个令人信服的故事,为投资提供理由,因此我们在开发稳健和引人注目的商业案例方面处于独特的地位, 以领先的技术专长为基础.

Our assessment of ideas and projects stretch beyond traditional economic methods. 通过 我们的伙伴关系 我们与全球领先的社会价值测量公司Simetrica合作,通过使用强大的领先实践统计量化客户的社会影响,帮助客户“更好地做好事”, 计量经济学和经济学方法. Simetrica is a research consultancy specializing in wellbeing analysis, 政策评估, 道德, 非市场估价与行为科学.

We're able to engage with the right stakeholders at the right time; facilitating collaborative 设计 workshops that foster innovative responses to complex problems for 政府 and city shaping projects.

In response to a rapidly growing and mobile population, networks are continually challenged to provide efficient, 负担得起的, 以及人口流动的可持续解决方案, 货物, 和服务.

We help organizations define efficient program options, fund their selected programs and identify 负担得起的, sustainable rate and fee programs that customers support. 与客户紧密合作, our team provides innovative solutions that yield economic, 操作, 以及实施后的环境效益.



In response to the growing financial challenge of replacing and improving major infrastructure, our team plays a key role in working with 政府 and the private sector to develop alternative financing strategies, 包括P3交付.



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城市, 政府, 公司, and organizations across the globe are continually faced with 规划 for future change. 我们专注于前瞻性思维,为未来的结果提供战略解决方案,帮助我们的客户实现他们的组织目标.

We help by applying a systems-based approach that integrates complex natural and man-made systems to achieve social, 环境和经济可持续性. 我们提供了一个检查重叠的框架, interdependent systems influencing the triple bottom line of a project, 组织或社区.


arial view of a road through trees beside tropical water

能源 markets are currently undergoing a major transition. 由于技术成本下降和温室气体减排政策,可再生能源发电持续增长, 随着老旧煤炭船队的预期退役和天然气价格的上涨,能源行业已经到了一个临界点. We advise clients and sectors regarding how to manage the transition to ensure a secure, 可靠的, 经济实惠、低排放的能源未来.

Resource efficiency and building system reliability have become an imperative amid rising demands and 资源稀缺. 无论你的首页是新的还是老化的, 一座建筑或校园, our team provides the 技术 solutions to improve performance, 可持续性, 并获得可衡量的投资回报.

我们将可持续发展从战略和愿景两方面进行整合, 计划, 设计, 实现, 和操作, and to sustaining the project or program over time; delivering whole of life benefits. 我们的工作横跨原材料价值链, 制造业, 服务行业为我们提供了宝贵的专业知识和独特的系统视角,帮助客户发现更智能运营的机会,从而实现目标.

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    能源 & 环境

    Responding to global challenges driven by climate change, 城市化, 资源稀缺, 数字扩散和能源安全, 包括公共和私营部门客户为应对从化石燃料向清洁和可再生能源的转变而做出的全球能源多样化和转型努力. 

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    It's time to think differently about the future— about how we prepare for and respond to natural, 社会和经济风险. 雅各布斯提供了全面的首页, technology and intelligence solutions to help 政府, 城市和私营部门的客户得以生存, 恢复, adapt and thrive regardless of the chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.

  • 红色高铁

    Robust infrastructure establishes the backbone of productive, economically strong communities as assets essential to commerce, 贸易, 公共安全和生活质量. 当谈到设计可投资的首页来解决我们在世界上面临的重大问题时,没有比我们更有能力的合作伙伴了.


我们所做的事情影响着人们, 在2019冠状病毒病大流行之后,我们的世界面临着前所未有的挑战.



  • 安德鲁Tingay
    安德鲁Tingay, Global 战略咨询 解决方案 Director

    As Global 战略咨询 解决方案 Director at 亚洲体育博彩平台, 安德鲁Tingay partners with clients to innovatively challenge their business from concept to operations, from organizational structure to the tactical spend of capital. 我们在所有市场和地区与客户合作,解决他们面临的挑战,从战略到融资和经济建议,从商业案例和规划建议到资本和运营交付改进,以实现投资回报.

  • 詹妮弗米姆斯- 504x504

    亚洲体育博彩平台’ Director of Asset Management Jennifer Mims has 30 years of experience working in large, 复杂的组织, leading strategic initiatives and overseeing major programs. Skilled at helping organizations leverage technology and incorporating standardized processes, key performance indicators and various change management components, Jennifer最大的爱好之一是与组织从上到下做出基于数据的决策,并创造一种专注于持续改进的文化.
