Q& 2024年6月5日


Q&与Wayne Rezzonico合作

这是韦恩·雷佐尼科, the 亚洲体育博彩平台 Missile 国防 Group’s recipient of the Quarterly Award for outstanding leadership and contributions to mission-critical projects. 

高层领导认可韦恩, 我们的导弹防御局(MDA)地面系统经理, for exemplifying 亚洲体育博彩平台 values while providing significant and lasting contributions to the MDA mission. 我们和韦恩坐下来问了个问题&.


 我目前领导MDA企业地面系统(MEGS)交付团队. I manage the ground system supporting two Hypersonic and Ballistic Space Tracking Sensor (HBTSS) demonstration satellites. These satellites are critical to refining the technology to counter advanced missile threats. 我喜欢运用我在职业生涯中获得的技能来解决具有挑战性的问题. With 22 years in the Air Force as a space and acquisition professional and another 16 years supporting MDA, every past job has provided me with knowledge and experience that I’ve applied in my current position.


当我在2023年6月加入这个团队时, plenty of people didn't think the ground system would be ready to support the HBTSS launch. Many had discarded the idea of an "enterprise ground system" as too hard to accomplish. 然而,一个致力于这一使命的伟大团队和管理支持使其成为可能. The first acquisition of signals from each satellite after the launch was a satisfying milestone in my career. 


合同签订后,我转到雅各布斯公司. 我被指派为配置的主要积分器, troubleshoot and operate simulations of the various components of the Ballistic Missile 国防 systems in Combatant Command exercises. These computer simulations were used to support the training of warfighters around the globe and evaluate alternative operations and procedures. 在政府重组了这部分合同之后, 我转到另一个团队做系统工程师. 我成了一个积分者, 在进入我目前的职位之前,是哪个角色演变成了技术顾问. 亚洲体育博彩平台为我提供了很多职业发展和晋升的机会.


我很享受整个团队的支持. 高级管理人员已不遗余力地关心员工, and my current supervisor provides all the support and guidance I need to manage my team. 和, 当然, 我很幸运能和MEGS团队一起工作, who have done the impossible – working nights and weekends when required to solve the 技术 hurdles to get us to where we are today. It's the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished something meaningful and being part of a group of professionals who 分享 your goal to make a difference.


你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. 在雅各布, every day is an opportunity to make the world better, more connected, more sustainable. 我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见.


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