Our People

Meet Janine Barrow

Perth, Australia

Janine Barrow headshot Nov 2022

珍妮·巴罗是我们在可持续发展和气候行动方面的全球领导者之一, 重点关注亚太地区——推动创新, fostering connectivity, 吸引和维护人才,支持卓越的交付.

Janine also leads the implementation of Jacobs’ Asia Pacific decarbonization strategy, which is designed to assist our clients in realizing profound greenhouse gas emissions reductions and support our role in responding to the climate challenge.

Janine developed a strong commitment to conservation of the environment in her youth. 她目睹了建造出口码头造成的海岸侵蚀, 导致她当地的海滩被冲走. 这个海滩曾经是海龟和马蹄蟹筑巢的地方. This deeply affected Janine, 因此,她决定在可持续发展方面追求一份有影响力的职业, 以最深远的方式帮助地球. Working for Jacobs gives her that opportunity in spades — helping clients to realize more sustainable solutions on a daily basis.

To address the climate emergency there has been significant movement of the decarbonization agenda in both the government and private sector.

Key challenges we are seeing as the corporate agenda progresses include knowing where to start; understanding how to realize real implementation on the ground to meet targets across organizations (governance, accountability, behavior change etc); identifying technology to tackle challenging scope 1 emissions, being able to influence supply chains and true valuation of carbon from business case to decommissioning.

Using her extensive experience in sustainability in design frameworks and organizational business planning, Janine has developed Jacobs’ Net Zero Labs approach.

Net Zero Labs is a strategy and evaluation-based method that helps clients establish decarbonization priorities and develop key strategy inputs. 通过协作和使用这种定制的净零实验室方法, Janine helps clients distil down the core strategy elements or business case components required to begin on their decarbonization journey.

“What I love about my job is that at Jacobs we can actually make a difference to carbon reduction outcomes. I know when I get out of bed in the morning that I can contribute to a better future, which is the most important thing to me.”

Janine Barrow headshot Nov 2022

Janine Barrow


  • 9

    countries lived in

  • 300


  • 300 M

    tons of plastic wasted each year