如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2022年3月21日


Show Contributors: 尼古拉伊诺克, 斯蒂芬妮傍水镇, 劳拉Jumagdao, Paul Thies


首次观测是在2006年, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated annually to raise public awareness and insight into the lives of people who have Down Syndrome. Recognizing the need for global support in this endeavor, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in December 2011 to officially codify March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day. In this episode of 如果/当, we spoke about family life and Down Syndrome with 尼古拉伊诺克, chief executive officer of Positive 关于 Down Syndrome, a UK-based advocacy organization; 斯蒂芬妮傍水镇, 亚洲体育博彩平台 Divisional Director, Highways Framework Manager; and 劳拉Jumagdao, 亚洲体育博彩平台 Senior Architect/Fire and Life Safety Specialist.

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尼古拉伊诺克's world fell apart in 2004 when a pediatrician advised that her then newborn son Tom has Down syndrome. Nicola has since gone on to become a strong advocate and in 2017 created Positive about Down syndrome (PADS) to ensure expectant and new parents of a baby with Down syndrome in the UK have access to contemporary information and ongoing support. PADS also delivers training to medical professionals to address the discrimination and stigma that all too often prevail around those with Down syndrome, and she lobbies policy makers and Parliamentarians to demand equality for those with Down syndrome.


斯蒂芬妮傍水镇 跟雅各布斯在一起20年了. She is a full-time member of its Transportation operations team in the UK and is active in a number of the employee networks, holding a leadership position in the Women's Network and ACE (Access. 连接. 授权., 哪一个支持可访问性, community and opportunity for caregivers and employees with disabilities). Her passion for inclusion steered her early career in 可访问性 and inclusive design, 积累硕士学位. From 2010 onward, she chose to pursue project management of rail and subsequent highways schemes. She is a great advocate of bringing her whole self to work and provides some great insight about raising her children, 其中一个名叫杰瑞德(4岁)患有唐氏综合症.


劳拉Jumagdao has been with 亚洲体育博彩平台 for almost 16 years. She is part of the Cities and Places Middle East Team, 总部设在卡塔尔, and is an active member of the employee networks, holding a regional leadership position in the ACE and Women's network. Lara is an architect and is also an architectural fire and life safety specialist with broad experience in Middle East code compliance and approvals. She is a mom of three (Monique, Lorenzo and 16-year old Jasmine who has Down syndrome). 自2015年以来, her outreach has been focused on helping Filipino families with family members with disabilities especially during the festive season.