
Major junction reconfiguration in Cork, Ireland to improve capacity, safety and travel times



爱尔兰交通首页(TII)旨在为所有用户显著改善现有的枢纽布局, 包括路口安全, operation and capacity at this strategically important interface. Located in an intertidal area of conservation with considerable important flora and fauna, 在进行所有工程时,必须维持该枢纽及邻近铁路线的全面运作.

“科克是一个欣欣向荣的城市, 活力的城市, a location that is hugely attractive for investment and as a place to live and work. Dunkettle立交升级等首页项目对提高社区生活质量至关重要, sustain investment and continue to ensure Cork’s position as a thriving city.”



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    Cubic meters of planings taken from local runway for reuse in temporary haul routes on site

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    Cubic meters of earthworks fill taken from local housing 项目s for reuse on site

12年以上, 亚洲体育博彩平台 has been TII’s trusted consultant to cover a range of complex challenges on the 邓肯特岸边交换 项目. These have spanned across a range of delivery phases, each with their own unique requirements.

与科克郡议会和科克市议会合作,提供邓凯特立交升级计划, TII’s mission is to deliver transport infrastructure and services, 对爱尔兰人民的生活质量做出贡献并支持国家的经济增长.


交通量和过时的路口配置严重影响了四个主要区域路线交叉口进出科克的交通. 立交对区域交通的重要性与周围洪水规划和前滩的敏感性相当, sensitive intertidal ponds which manage daily sea level changes, and the Cork Harbour Special Protection Area which the site sits in. 除了, 雅各布斯支持确保现场工作在COVID-19大流行期间能够开始和继续, 符合所有相关的现场健康和安全要求.


升级包括一系列直接的道路连接, a grade separated junction arrangement to the east of the existing 邓肯特岸边交换, 四个新环形交叉路口, 52种不同形式的结构, 智能交通系统, 行人及单车设施, and several culverts where the scheme crosses watercourses or intertidal areas.

从早期设计的最开始, 法定同意和监管机构咨询, our approach has been full and open engagement with all necessary teams. This has built a 项目 ecosystem which encourages direct communication, 尽早参与风险, and an openness to challenge how best to deliver a 项目 of this scale and complexity.

作为雇主的现场代表, 我们强大的客户关系使我们能够务实地处理所有项目和业务风险. 类似的, we worked collaboratively with the contractor and their designer, 始终关注关键的项目目标.  最重要的是, 在整个建设过程中,我们的现场团队投资于与所有当地利益相关者和更广泛的立交用户建立关系. This communication and engagement focused on early sharing of works plans, 及时更新交通影响,并特别留意我们的计划可能对当地居民造成的影响.

Our key 技术 challenges related to the complex intertidal drainage regime already in place, the challenge around the sensitivity of the current drainage and land layout to flooding, the difficult ground conditions our geo技术 team had to work with, and the structures team input to developing major interchange solutions in challenging grounds. 我们的团队开发并优化了一个复杂的交通模型,该模型考虑了该立交的区域重要性. 除了, 我们确保所有的建筑都能安全建造,同时保持全面的连接运行,并有一条铁路穿过工地.

During the procurement process and subsequent construction monitoring and contract administration, 这种开放参与和愿意作为一个更大的团队工作的方法确保了项目提前在现场完成.

As key enablers and providers for transport infrastructure upgrades in the Cork region, 我们支持一系列项目,带来行业领先的技术解决方案和丰富的经验,以帮助实现改善社区生活质量的成果, 支持可持续发展, 社会公平和经济.


  • Paddy De Feu
    Patrick de Feu,项目经理

    Patrick managed the internal delivery team on this considerable 项目, 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间的施工等具有挑战性的限制条件下,按预算提前交付.

  • 安迪•汤普森

    Andy brought his extensive contracts experience to the role of Employer’s Representative, 通过两种不同的合同形式和通过最近的建筑供应链问题导航合同交付.