

专为美国设计.S. 全国最安全的应用程序自动化管理和安全


KnackStack introduces flexible and automated 混合云 infrastructure as a service for cloud agnostic deployments and automation. 它是为美国设计的.S. 全国最安全的应用程序自动化数据管理和安全. 

在一个数据量快速增长、网络威胁不断增加的世界里, governments and private companies have a growing need to efficiently and securely deploy applications across multi and 混合云 environments. KnackStack提供了一个安全的开发, security and operations (DevSecOps) environment for application porting across any environment. KnackStack具有多租户特性,支持完整的应用程序分段, 为安全和应用部署自动化提供DevSecOps模板.

KnackStack自动化功能的核心是一个功能齐全的管理堆栈, 提供IDC-503/NIST 800-53合规性和跨多站点环境一致性, 多种安全域. 内置功能包括身份验证, 主目录, 知识产权管理, 软件存储库管理, 维基, Bug跟踪等.

KnackStack是经过验证的, battle-tested answer to securing any critical infrastructure and building a strong defense against cyber threats and ransomware.

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  • 提供一流的服务集成

    自动化企业级云, 混合云, IT, 网络, 以及通过软件即服务交付模型进行安全管理, 使公司能够以固定价格为客户提供可重复的解决方案.

  • 提供更高级别的访问和可用性

    KnackStack utilizes low code infrastructure management and the use of human readable YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) to define the underlying infrastructure of the environment. It enables a reduced number of high-skilled engineers on Tier 1 and 2 support team personnel.

  • 利用更高级别的安保和安全

    The hybrid-cloud Kubernetes overlay allows the customer to have security at the 网络 layer using point-to-point mesh encryption for all application and infrastructure traffic. 即使运行时应用程序没有主动加密工作线程之间的通信, our stack and its end-to-end encryption ensures that all traffic within the cluster is encrypted.


  • 经认证的IT首页,以确保I的DevSecOps安全发展.C.
  • 支持高速数据接入,兼容AWS/ C2S, Azure, GCE云平台, 独家内部部署和混合云配置
  • 自动化数据安全和访问控制以启用计算, 发展, 以及任何形式的通信
  • 可伸缩的内部, 云和混合云部署, 并且可以从几个核扩展到数千核
  • 在所有环境中运行,包括云、数据中心和边缘计算
  • 硬件和云供应商无关-运行在任何x86-64环境
  • Encryption at rest and in transit allows legacy applications to quickly transition to container/ Kubernetes workloads without re-designing for higher security approvals
  • Kubernetes cluster supports automated provisioning of resources and is deployed in a topology for high availability. 组件紧密集成,无缝操作,并配置了日志记录, 指标, 以及基于角色的访问
  • Fully functional in air-gapped environments with all package repositories and container images self-hosted within the environment itself
  • Offers bespoke system deployments on a litany of current infrastructures within the modern 发展 environment


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